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Rochdale Borough Safeguarding Business Unit

The role of the Rochdale Borough Safeguarding Business Unit (RBSBU) is to facilitate members of RBSAB / RBSCP in ensuring the shared strategic vision of our borough's safeguarding is evidenced via gaining assurance of effective practice. Gaining safeguarding assurance is broad in it's nature but some specific activities the Business Unit supports are listed below.

  • To contribute to ensuring that the Council’s statutory responsibilities for safeguarding children and adults are discharged and delivered

  • To the agreed standards through strategic management of the RBSCP and RBSAB business plan and associated sub groups

  • To contribute to the development of the RBSCP and RBSAB Business Plan to ensure objectives are met through the strategic management of RBSCP and RBSAB’s Sub Groups and to escalate concerns to the independent chairs as appropriate

  • To ensure that policies, procedures and protocols relating to the work of the RBSCP and RBSAB are fit for purpose and ensure that systems are in place to evaluate the extent to which policies and procedures are being consistently implemented and monitored across agencies through oversight of relevant subgroups of the board.

  • To undertake research and development work, as directed by the RBSCP or RBSAB and to promote and report on and disseminate key findings, conclusions and recommendations to all agencies.

  • To undertake quality audits on behalf of the Service for the RBSCP or RBSAB

  • To review Business Continuity and Service Plans to ensure that RBSCP and RBSAB have appropriate arrangements in place to ensure that work continues in times of difficulty.

  • To manage the Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews/ Safeguarding Adult Review process for RBSCP and RBSAB and to contribute as an advisor on serious case / learning review panels

  • To oversee the functioning of the sub groups of the two boards and escalate any concerns to the appropriate agency manager and/or the independent chair of the board.

  • To provide a yearly annual report on the RBSCP and RBSAB’s business and progress

  • To establish and maintain positive professional partnerships with key members of RBSCP and RBSAB and with the agencies that are represented.

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